Pogey Beach Synopsis
The film follows the misadventures of recently arrived come-from-away Bethany Lockwood (Celia Koughan) on Pogey Beach and her immersion in a world of drinking, dune screwing, crib playing, and cash jobs. Or as they put it, "working for the government." Bethany quickly finds herself being courted by both the King of Pogey Beach, Gary Gallant (Robbie Carruthers), and Lyle MacDonald (Ryan Cameron), spiritual pogey bum. Things turn sour when Bethany's disapproving father (Dennis Trainor) sicks the Pogey Narcs on the beach and threatens their whole way of life. —Alex Cook, The East
August 03, 2021 at 09:28 AM
Pogey Beach Director
Tech specs
1080p.WEB 720p.WEB 1.57 GB
English 2.0