Dramarama Synopsis
Escondido, California, 1994. It's the end of summer and Gene is preparing for his high school drama friends' final murder mystery slumber party. Before the group heads off to college, however, Gene wants to come out of the closet - but is terrified of what his sheltered Christian friends might think. What was planned as a celebration of friendship becomes a reckoning, and this formerly tight-knit group will have to decide whether to cling to the past or move forward in uncertainty. Jonathan Wysocki's nostalgic, funny debut feature is a poignant love letter to drama nerds, late bloomers, and the intense friendships that mark our youth.
September 10, 2021 at 01:25 AM
Dramarama Director
Tech specs
1080p.WEB 720p.WEB 2160p.WEB 1.68 GB
English 5.1